Llaima volcano

I am always looking for motivated students and talented postdocs to work with me and colleagues in the Department of Geology at UChile.

Your research interests should be within the areas of (bio)geochemistry, geothermal systems, Critical Zone or reactive transport modeling.

Interested students should email me with a brief statement of your research interests and how those align with the current and previous research in the lab. Our department has full-time research MSc and PhD programs and our students can usually grant funding from an ANID graduate fellowship. Depending on your record, we can explore a broader range of funding options for MSc students.

If you are looking for postdoc opportunities and have a strong geochemistry background with clean lab/mass-spec experience or reactive transport modeling, I am looking forward to working with you. Our lab has 2 mass-specs(1 MC-ICP-MS and 1 QQQ-MS) equipped with laser ablation. I might not have direct funding for your position, but we can write a postdoc research proposal for ANID (Chilean research agency). The funding rate is better compared to US/European based grants. The call opens in March-April with deadline by the end of April. The position should start somewhere between June and September.